



  1. Connect the CASE U Graphics Tablet to your computer using the included USB cord.
  2. Run “setup.exe” or “install.exe.”
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions, then reboot your computer.
  4. After a successful installation, the driver’s icon will appear on your taskbar. If the icon is not present, uninstall the driver, reboot, and repeat step 2.

Note: If graphic tablet driver shortcut on windows not working, meanwhile follow below steps.

1. Click on Show hidden icons
2. Click on graphics tablet icon
3. Now use driver without any issue



  1. Connect the CASE U Graphics Tablet to your computer using the included USB cord.
  2. Run “setup.exe” or “install.exe.”
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions, then reboot your computer.
*For Mac please check the System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy, and allow Graphics Tablet to control your computer.


(1) Disable any antivirus or firewall software before beginning the installation.
(2) Uninstall any existing tablet software before attempting to install the Graphics Tablet driver. Other tablet drivers will conflict with the CASE U Graphics Tablet driver or prevent installation entirely.
(3) After you download the driver, be sure to extract the .zip file contents before running “install.exe.”


**Any suggestions on product optimization, or requests for more technical supports on the use of the Graphics Tablet and any other CASE U products, please make us a phone call or send us an email.
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